
Become Compliant Today

Wakesafe was created by responsible Manitowish Waters wakesurfers for the purpose of educating other wakesurfers on the chain to keep the chain safe and to create respect between all people enjoying the water.

Wake Surf Compliancy:

1. Surf 200’ from all shorelines and objects

2. Surf in depths greater than 15’

3. All surfers must wear vests

4. Adhere to Manitowish Waters watersports hours: 9:00 am – 7:00 pm

5. Keep music at reasonable levels

6. Fully empty ballast when pulling out/ reloading

7. No exposed propellers

8. No surfing on Fawn and Little Manitowish Lakes

9. Keep rider on inside of turn to minimize impact on shore

10. Minimize repetitive passes

Before You Surf:

✓ Ensure your ballasts are fully empty prior to launching

✓ Review lake maps for safe surf zones


Get involved with your lake association and promote Wake Responsibly to ensure that restrictions and/or bans are not instated.

Malibu Surf

Common Sense Prevents New Rules

By being courteous and following these guidelines we will minimize any new ordinacnes regulating wakeboarding and wakesurfing.

This will allow us to work in harmony with all other individuals enjoying our beautiful Chain.

Safe Wake Zones

By staying in these blue wake zones you will minimize impact to our precious lakes and maximize fun for all. The red ares are closer than 200' to shore or are less than 18' of depth, which could lead to lake damage.

Rest Lake

A large lake with 2 sufficient areas to Wakesurf

Island Lake

A large lake with a large wakezone

Manitowish Lake

The town's namesake has a large wakezone but a lot of boat traffic on weekends

Clear Lake

A large wakezone with very little traffic

Additional Wake Zones

These lakes have a slightly smaller wakezones but still safe for the lakes and others
Spider Lake

Spider Lake

Watch for Traffic on Weekends



Stone Lake

Watch for Traffic on Weekends


Pretty Girl

Alder Lake

A Surf Zone with Minimal Traffic


Escalator Blue

Wild Rice

A Smaller Wake Zone


woman feeling

Little Star Lake

Nice Wakezone but Watch for Beach Traffic


Bikini Girl

Fawn Lake

NO surfing here

Become Compliant Today! Take the Pledge...

Pledge to the 10 safe guidelines above and receive you wakesurf compliant sticker today!


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Email: A value is required.
Home Lake: A value is required.
By clicking here I pledge to abide by the 10 compliancy recommendations.